Advanced Excel 2010 Training Course is the third and the final course in the Excel 2010 series. It includes topics such as logical functions, math & statistical functions, VLOOKUP, MATCH, INDEX, editing VBA functions, and more.
Topics covered in this advanced excel 2010 course include:
- Use logical functions
- Use math & statistical functions
- Use the PMT function
- Use data functions
- Calculate time
- Create array formulas
- Use VLOOKUP, MATCH & INDEX functions
- Validate data
- Use database functions
- Import & export text files
- Import & export XML data
- Use Goal Seek & Solver
- Use the Analysis ToolPak
- Create scenarios
- Run and record macros
- Edit VBA modules
- Create custom functions
Finally, participants will learn about the analytical features of Excel such as Goal Seek and Solver, running and recording macros, SmartArt graphics, and conditional formatting with graphics.
PD Training delivers one-day training course on Advanced Excel 2010 Training Course.